Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The power of scents...

We experience feelings and emotions all the time through different senses, most of the time at the unconscious level, without even realizing what just happened. Scents are different. Smelling something familiar can bring you back to a very precise and specific moment, it's quite powerful...

A spritz of Chanel Allure Edition Blanche and I'm in my 3 piece suit at my prom. A spritz of D&G's Light Blue and I'm back with this girl. A spritz of JPG's Le Male and in with this other girl. Memories are linked to specific scents and in a lot of cases, it's a good thing. But what happens when you love a fragrance, but for some reason, it reminds you of a bad phase? Something you don't want to bring back. It's easy to just "try and ignore it", but that bad memory will pop out of nowhere from the massive database located somewhere in the brain. What I try to do with these scents is to associate them with something new, something better. I try to wear them at an event that will be reminded more positively. Although it's not that easy... 

Lately, I've been going through a tougher period and tried to wear very little perfume. I wore mostly stuff that uplift me even in the worst of the moods. It's not easy leaving a significantly long relationship behind, especially one full of memories related to scents (in the case of a fragrance enthusiast). At least, it's a beautiful memory... 

This might not make a lot of sense, but sometimes it just feels good to let it go and write stuff that's not so serious. 
